Happy First Birthday

Eeekkk, hello you lovely lot. A random post today because in the blink of an eye I have turned one. Wait, what one? How did that happen already? No idea but what a rollercoaster it’s been. I found this whole new community on twitter that talked and shared their love of books non stop and I was hooked, Lost in the land on twitter soon formed, and after a few months and the support and encouragement of other bloggers the blog was born. Obv I kept Lost in the Land of Books and so relieved to see no one else had the name. My own little place I could write out proper reviews and share the love for books I had enjoyed reading. Well it wasn’t long until I was introduced to the world of blog tours and wow just wow. It was pretty hard to say no in those first six months or so but I have learnt to say no. I am after all only human and can’t fit everything in, although I would love too. Saying no means I won’t ever read the book however, my TBR is proof of that. My early reviews do make me cringe though, and I still have that niggle that they aren’t good enough but I am still finding my feet and my own style.

During this first year I have come across books and publishers I may have missed in the shops if it hadn’t been for blog tours. I will be here all day if I name them all, but you can probably all guess. My series of the year I read after signing up for a blog tour with an independent publisher and I am so grateful. More on that next month.

I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most loveliest bloggers, publishers and authors. I have read some of the most incredible books, and had more book hangovers than I think I’ve ever had in my life, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I have a little book club with three of the most amazing people who I am proud to call my friends. We haven’t met in real life yet but I can’t wait until we do, friendships for life have been formed and they are stuck with me. Sorry Danielle, Chris and ZooRoo 😘.

The blog has introduced me to some of the most amazing bloggers, authors, publishers and blog tour organisers and I am grateful.

Really through all this ramble and my fourth attempt at this what I am trying to say is : Thank you for all the love, support, retweets, comments and friendships. Thank you Publishers, authors and blog tour organisers for trusting me to review the books. A special thank you to @reddogtweets for quoting me on a book for the very first time, Stay Mad, Sweetheart by Heleen Kist. FYI it’s a book you need to read.

I know Publisher and blogger in the spotlight haven’t been around for a few weeks but things in life got really hectic and I hit a bit of a low but don’t worry it’s coming back! Look out for an announcement to its return soon.

My own little book corner and I am damn proud of myself I have lasted a year, I am excited to see what the next year brings. Next month I will talk about my books of the year and two very special publishers.

Thank you all 😘

6 thoughts on “Happy First Birthday

  1. Congrats! Its amazing to see how far you come along, isn’t it? My old posts make me cringe too so I’m trying to update them all, but I’m sure in another year I’ll feel the same about them again!


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